Tyne Coast College values and recognises the social and cultural diversity in which it operates. We seek to promote equality and respect amongst staff and learners.
Click here for access to the full policy
Race Equality Policy
Tyne Coast College is committed to making race equality an integral part of the College’s day-to-day work of policy-making, service delivery, employment practice and other functions. The Race Relations (Amendment Act) 2000 introduced requirements upon employers to positively promote equality; it is intended that this policy document will support Tyne Coast College in achieving this objective.
Click here for access to the full policy
Gender Equality Policy
At Tyne Coast College, we are committed to creating an environment where everyone can participate fully as learners, staff or visitors. We recognise that this means not just eliminating discrimination but also actively promoting equality.
Click here for access to the full policy
Access and participation statement for Higher Education courses
Tyne Coast College is strategically committed to promoting its higher education programmes to students coming from all widening participation categories, and to achieve this aim it undertakes a range of activities directed towards raising aspirations, eliminating artificial barriers to entry and enhancing the learner experience.
Click here to read the full statement